No one I know willingly tolerates mosquitoes. Those things are such nuisances. I don't know which part irritates me more. The annoying wing-wong sound they make around one's ears or their disrespectful audacity when they confidently perch on a full grown human's body and get to work. Some people don't realize it when they touch their bodies...The result of that is an actual piercing through the skin followed by blood suckling. Please tell me such people are fast asleep though! The thing is, depending on the type of mosquito, they don't just leave with your blood...They leave something behind. Next thing you know you're nursing malaria and going under the weather.
Some people are sensitive to even the most feathery touch; so as soon as the mosquito touches their skin they shake it off and off it goes. No harm done. They save themselves bumps from the bites and better yet malaria.
James 4:7 Resist the devil and he will flee.
Just as the mosquito hovers before it strikes, so does the devil. Mosquito coils, mosquito repellents, mosquito nets, antimalarial medications are a few out of the gazillion practices people in Nigeria use to resist those tiny beasts.
Similarly we must be on our guards always... The thief cometh not but for to steal, to kill and to destroy. John 10:10. Satan only takes away from you..If he gives anything at all, it's destruction. Sickness, poverty, addictions of any form, sin in general, fear, condemnation are all works of the devil... Shake them off as you would those mosquitoes, but this time, by the help of the holy spirit just as soon as they show up. Flee from all APPEARANCES of evil. 1 Thessalonians 5:22. Christ got us victory over all the listed and unlisted works of Satan.
While i dont mean to cheapen the subject, i couldnt help juxtaposing the two situations. Like mosquitoes, let's do everything we can to overcome Satan and his works. So then, don't embrace sickness, don't embrace your sinful addictions, resist poverty, overcome fear. Shake them off! Claim God's best for your life. Afterall, we are more than conquerors (Romans 8:37). We already have the victory through Christ. Stay in the word..stay in church always, you cannot do it on your iron sharpeneth iron (Proverbs 27:17).
Resist the devil and he will flee...
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